Sustainable and mechanically robust anticorrosive coatings
Researchers have reported the synthesis of waterborne soy epoxy and its nanocomposite coatings formulation using sebacic acid as a modifier (a bio-based precursor) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) nanofillers.

Waterborne soy oil epoxy (WSOE) has attracted significant interest due to its eco-friendliness. Further, it is one of the promising precursors used to formulate low-cost, eco-friendly, high-performance anti-corrosive coatings. Because of this, the present study reports the synthesis of waterborne soy epoxy and its nanocomposite coatings formulation using soy oil epoxy and sebacic acid as a modifier (a green bio-based precursor) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) nanofillers. The sebacic acid was used to modify waterborne oleo epoxy through salt formation, making the epoxy more bio-compatible and environment-friendly.
Superior properties
The graphene-epoxy nanocomposite coatings have exhibited superior thermal, physicomechanical, and corrosion protective properties. Physicomechanical studies on nanocomposite coatings have displayed excellent performance i.e. Impact resistance (150 lb./in.), scratch resistance (11 kg) and MEK tests (>400 cycles), and superior corrosion protective properties as compared to those of soy epoxy and other such reported coating systems.
The study has been published in Progress in Organic Coatings, Volume 170, September 2022.