New review on fundamentals, constraints and fabrication techniques of superhydrophobic coatings
A broad overview of the fundamentals, the problems in manufacturing and a detailed overview of the fabrication techniques of superhydrophobic coatings has recently been published.

Scientific communities and coating manufacturers have presented superhydrophobic coatings for various applications. Image source: rkit - Pixabay (symbol image).
-Over the past two decades, scientific communities and coating manufacturers have presented superhydrophobic coatings for various applications such as automotive, marine, medical, and energy sectors, etc. Worldwide, researchers reported the fundamentals, fabrication techniques and applications of superhydrophobic coatings.
Detailed desription
But, most of the reported reviews provided the limited information on fundamentals and fabrication techniques of the superhydrophobic coatings and found more directed towards the applications of superhydrophobic coatings in different sectors. A new review presents a detailed description of the fundamentals of superhydrophobic coatings, problems in manufacturing such coatings and the fabrication techniques. Additionally, the review provides a glimpse of potential applications of such coatings.
The major constraints to the development of superhydrophobic coatings are identified as the expensive superhydrophobic materials, nano feature durability, coating stability, precipitation/condensation problem amogst others. The best fabrication techniques of superhydrophobic coatings are identified as the sol-gel, wet-chemical, electrochemical deposition and Mussel-inspired chemistry.
The review has been published in Progress in Organic Coatings Volume 142, May 2020.
More information
Functionalities in coatings are also a big topic at the European Coatings Suppliers hub. At the moment eleven video presentations explain different aspects of functionalities in coatings and how novel innovations can help achieve them.