Because of the COVID-19 situation: SVLFC cancels “Techniktag
Due to the uncertain situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the board of the Schweizerische Vereinigung der Lack- und Farbenchemiker SVLFC (the Swiss association of paint and varnish chemists) has cancelled the technology day "Techniktag" planned for October.

The technology day "Techniktag" in Switzerland planned for October was cancelled. Picture source: TheDigitalArtist - Pixabay (symbol picture).
-The decision was not an easy one for the board, as the SVLFC states. However, it was confronted with risks and uncertainties, which prompted the association to cancel before costs for possible cancellations were incurred.
Actually, the regional trade fair should have been held for the second time on 29 October. This time the venue would have been Suhr in the Swiss canton of Aargau.
Event now planned for the year 2021 or 2022
However, the idea of a second technology day “Techniktag” has not been abandoned, but merely postponed. The event is now planned for the year 2021 or 2022. This depends on how the trade fair landscape develops over the next two years. The SVLFC expects to be able to provide more details on this by the beginning of next year at the latest.