Brüggemann: New production system for reducing agents
Brüggemann intends to expand its market position in highly specialised chemical products. The new plant will also set new standards in sustainability, energy efficiency and quality.

Brüggemann Managing Director Joachim Hofmann is convinced that theinvestment of seven million euro for the new production facility at thecompany headquarters in Heilbronn is money well spent. “This is animportant building block in our strategy moving forward and a guaranteefor continued organizational growth and new areas of application.”Around the world, we deliver the decisive connection,” stressesHofmann, “and in the future, this will be especially energy efficientand sustainable.” The heart of the new five-story complex is a spraydryer for microgranules with a capacity of 5000 metric tons per year.Alongside the equally newly launched production facility for polymeradditives, this expansion of capacity is a decisive moment for thecompany.
Contract drying for customers
“Thenew dryer for microgranules offers the optimal prerequisites to allowus to provide our newest product innovation – patented initiators foremulsion polymerisation and antioxidants – in extremely high quality andin the quantities expected of us,” explains Brüggemann’s ManagingDirector, Dr. Josef Berghofer. “In the new facility, we can bring ourdecades of experience in this area to bear. That is a factor which,together with the technological progress, significantly facilitates thedevelopment of new product characteristics.” Available capacity can beused by customers for contract drying.
The spray drying ofaqueous, solvent-containing and oxidation-sensitive solutions,suspensions and emulsions is a key technology for numerous areas ofapplication. For especially energy-efficient drying, the new system isfed with waste heat from the company’s own combined heat and power unit.The use of recycled energy completes the environmentally friendlyoverall concept: Purified waste water from the production process isprepared and fed back into the production process.