Student team from Lingen receives the 2019 Altana Special Prize in chemistry for its sustainable business Idea
A student team from the Lingen Wirtschaft vocational school has been awarded the special prize in chemistry in the 2019 "Jugend gründet” (Youth Startups) competition for a sustainable business idea.

The prospective entrepreneurs entered the competition as a team called “Grün und Clever GmbH”. Their business idea is a perfected mini biogas system for the restaurant trade which produces electricity and heat. What is more, the organic waste can be disposed of.
Ecological thinking in society
With the innovation, they want to promote ecological thinking in society and ensure that with sustainability everyone can contribute to a better future. “We can’t change the world today, but we can start today: green and clever!” the students from Lingen in Lower Saxony explained to the “Jugend gründet” jury.
The winners, Lea Großmann, Felix Ströer, Christin Stover, Anneliese Bangert, and Bennet Elfert, can look forward to a trip to one of Altana’s largest research and production sites, in Wallingford near New York (USA), where the students will gain exclusive insights into the work processes of Altana’s Byk division.