May issue: Architectural coatings in the focus
The May issue of European Coatings Journal is out and features a full package on architectural coatings: a market report, a product overview and expert interviews. The magazine is also available in European Coatings 360°.

Everybody wants to live in a home that is safe, comfortable and looks good. Architectural coatings are a key component to achieve at least some of those targets, especially when it comes to aesthetics. But also, the safety issue is addressed by modern architectural coatings that do not use harmful VOCs anymore. Examples of polymers that can be used to formulate such wall paints are listed in our product overview on page 18.
The reduction of VOCs is part of the much bigger trend towards more sustainable solutions as can be seen in our expert voices interview on page 16. Both experts mention the rising demand for bio-based coatings independently from each other and think that they become more and more competitive.
Of course, choosing the right raw materials is not the only way to enhance sustainability. Our technical focus article (page 20) describes how hollow microspheres in roof coatings can increase the solar reflectance of the building and reduce the need for energy intensive air conditioning. The author of the article will also give more details on the microspheres and stand by for questions during our monthly webcast European Coatings live on 28 May at 15.00 CET. Registration is free of charge.
Have a glance at the contents.pdf 2 MBThe complete issue is now also available at our data bank European Coatings 360°. European Coatings 360° also provides registered users with the opportunity to conduct your research activities online via our quick and effective full-text search and find exactly the information you need for your daily work in the field of coatings formulation.