Altana wants to become carbon dioxide neutral by 2025
By 2025 the specialty chemicals group Altana wants to reduce its CO2 impact from production and energy procurement worldwide to zero.

Already in 2020, the company’s entire power supply is supposed be converted to renewable energies. Altana wants to compensate for the unavoidable use of natural gas until 2025 by financing equivalent climate protection projects in the regions where CO2 emissions are generated. The same applies to offsetting CO2 emissions arising from necessary business trips, company cars, and the transport of goods.
The specialty chemicals group thereby wants to achieve climate neutrality in its direct sphere of influence by 2025.
“Responsibility for climate protection”
“We want to leave our footprint on innovations, not on emissions,” said Martin Babilas, CEO of Altana AG, explaining the decision. “With our CO2 neutrality program up to 2025, we are fulfilling our responsibility for climate protection and consistently pursuing our sustainability course.” In 2017, Altana had already achieved the goal it set itself in 2007 of reducing CO2 emissions by 30 percent in relation to gross value added by 2020.
Image source: Pixabay.