Bodo Möller Chemie opens another production facility in Egypt
With the opening of a new production facility, Bodo Möller Chemie expands its production volume at the Egypt location.

In the future, the new facility will produce solvent-based epoxy resins and polyurethanes as well as packaging fillers, thereby significantly increasing the capacity of the already existing plant.
Increasing the volume by 1000 metric tons per year
To date, 8000 metric tons are produced per year with 18 mixers of 250 kilograms to 4000 liters. Now, three additional mixers – each one with 1500 liters – will increase the volume by 1000 metric tons per year. Using three automated filling lines, the products are filled in container sizes of 100 grams to five kilograms.
Both production facilities allow mixing and formulating with vapor, under nitrogen, and with higher temperatures of up to 120 °C. In the installations, epoxy resins, polyurethanes and silicones are processed with regard to their viscosity, color and reactivity. Parallel to the production capacity, the company has also significantly increased the on-site workforce.
Image source: Pixabay.